A surprisingly light show, which is quite an easy watch in six episodes. Writer and director Ricky Gervais plays cynical, often cruel Tony, who has just lost his wife, and lives in the small town of Tunbury, where he is supported by those who know him, and creates new friendships throughout the series. No one quite tackles comedy as well as Ricky Gervais, whose humour is so dark, and causes laughter at his own expense, but more often, others. However, there is a deeper, more sombre side to the series as well, which shows Gervais’ potential to write drama, or potentially a more happy kind of humour in the future. The writing and acting are immaculate, the only slightly disappointing factor is that the cinematography is the same as every other Netflix series, making the very original series, seem like many others. That said, everyone should watch this surprisingly uplifting series.