Banned from Vue cinemas after a brawl began during one of its showings, it is unsurprising that ‘Blue Story’ is hard-hitting. Focussing on the gang wars between neighbouring boroughs in London, the film shows kind young men, brain-washed into hatred and violence. In between the action, two men rap about the plot, which does detract from the movie’s powerful effect on viewers. However, one idea presented in these raps cannot help but stick with audiences; where the council chooses to house families affects the future of these young people significantly. A group of society are finally given a voice in the field of cinema, directed incredibly by young Andrew Onwubolu. Audiences sympathise with both gangs and the difficulties that they face. The main message is that ‘An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind,’ and yet, their desire for revenge seems somewhat logical. Just an amazingly powerful movie, which deserves a large platform.